Re: error 87

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Posted by Barbara Brazil on Mon, 25 Aug 2003 13:12:52 :


This error indicates that a read returned less than the expected number =
of bytes. It could be on a data file or on a qdir. If it happened on =
an erase, it could be the qdir that's bad. If not, it's probably the =
file itself.

This can happen if a key points to a record which is beyond the limits =
of the file. If it's a file and the key is in the record, you can try =
KEYBILDing it. If not you can try to fix this by copying the file =
around the bad key. It would be best to do this when nobody is using =
the system so that the file isn't changing while you do it. Here's how =
to do it...

Start copying the file to a new one. It should blow up with E87 when it =
hits the bad key. Make a note of the key and then restart the copy from =
the next record after the one that was bad. If there are more than 1 =
bad keys, you will have to do repeat this process for each bad record. =
Finally, when you are done, the new file will have all the records =
except the bad ones which you skipped.


----- Original Message -----=20
To: "Barbara"
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 12:36 PM
Subject: re: error 87

> Hi Barb - another problem for you. Error 87. I have one client who =
has had a couple of these over the past week and I was just wondering if =
you had any thoughts on how to fix this problem so it doesn't happen =
again. As far as the damaged files go - I can either rebuild with a fix =
program or load back of a backup - no problem (well sort of), but is =
there anything I can do to avoid this problem in the future? They are =
currently running Comet 2003 build 320 Utl version 03.01
> Thanks Barb,
> Joe

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