Posted by Grant Foraker on January 18, 2012 at 08:33:33:
In Reply to: Re: Get dialog color posted by Grant Foraker on January 17, 2012 at 10:44:22:
Simple isn't always simple in Windows. I just wanted to turn the text in a Static control to red when there was an out of balance condition. And, back to black when the out of balance was corrected.
Comet's COS.SetControlColors sets Fore, Back, and Gray colors for a control. Currently a limited set of controls. Check documentation. When I moved my program to a Server 2008 PC (CAW Host), I found that the Back color was a darker gray than I'd seen on Win7, Vista, and XP PC's.
After some searching (Google, MSDN, and Comet's WDL), I found that COS.GetSysColor was the way to get the default control colors. Since Fore was either black or red, I didn't need to capture it's default RGB values.
LET cosIndex = Color.BtnFace ! initial cosBackColor
LET cosIndex = Color.GrayText ! initial cosGrayColor
I'm guessing that the GrayText is the color used when a control is disabled.
I tested some other color options. These are from my Win7 PC ...
Color.CaptionText = Black (0,0,0)
Color.HighlightText = White (255,255,255)
Color.InactiveCaptionText = Dark Gray (67,78,84)
Color.MenuText = Black (0,0,0)
Color.WindowText = Black (0,0,0)
Comet may support more. Windows has a lot more.
LENGTH 6.0 & LOCAL BtnFaceRed, BtnFaceGreen, BtnFaceBlue
LENGTH 6.0 & LOCAL GrayTextRed, GrayTextGreen, GrayTextBlueLET cosIndex = Color.BtnFace
LET BtnFaceRed = cosRed
LET BtnFaceGreen = cosGreen
LET BtnFaceBlue = cosBlue
LET cosIndex = Color.GrayText
LET GrayTextRed = cosRed
LET GrayTextGreen = cosGreen
LET GrayTextBlue = cosBlueIF DIFFER NE 0
cosCtlId = IDC.STATIC.05
cosForeColor = 255 + (0 * 256) + (0 * 65536) ! Red
cosBackColor = BtnFaceRed + (BtnFaceGreen * 256) + (BtnFaceBlue * 65536)
cosGrayColor = GrayTextRed + (GrayTextGreen * 256) + (GrayTextBlue * 65536)
Gosub COS.SetControlColors
cosCtlId = IDC.STATIC.05
cosForeColor = 0 + (0 * 256) + (0 * 65536) ! Black
cosBackColor = BtnFaceRed + (BtnFaceGreen * 256) + (BtnFaceBlue * 65536)
cosGrayColor = GrayTextRed + (GrayTextGreen * 256) + (GrayTextBlue * 65536)
Gosub COS.SetControlColors
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