Start Parameteters Text Box -Comet As A Service

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Posted by Steven Hagen on February 13, 2012 at 15:24:10:

I installed my first Comet 32 at a customer today.

This account has Comet running as a service on their server.
The comet 32 compiled object would not run as a service.

Under Services,
I stoped Comet as a service
I went to Properties for Comet As A Service and entered /32 in the Start Parameters
Text Box and clicked Save. I assumed this would save to CometAsService.INI, it did not.

I manually edited the INI file and added /32. See below:
CommandLine=D:\PDF_Apps\Comet\Comet.Exe /PN=ANYWHERE /32 /SERVICE

I re-started Comet as a service and can now run my Comet 32 Objects.

My questions is what is the Start Parameteters Text Box used for and why does it
not save to the INI FIle?

Comet Vsn is Comet 32 Build .55/12.01

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