Comet PDF

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Posted by Steven Hagen on February 23, 2012 at 12:35:43:

Is it possible to view a report generated by a Comet PDF Printer in Compressed Mode?
I am running Comet2011 Build .455/12.01

I have 3 printers configured in my INI File:

Printer = L51,P ,X,SPL:PDFDocs, Comet PDF,viewdoc,;
Above views upon completion but not in compressed mode, which is what I expected.

I thought one of the following would view in compressed mode but neither do.

Printer = L53,P ,X,SPL:PDFDocs, Comet PDF,viewdoc,PFONTC,;
Above views report as non condensed and stores in Doc MGR in non Condense

Printer = L54,P ,X,SPL:PDFDocs, Comet PDF,PFONTC,VIEWDOC,;
Above does not review report but will store in Doc MGR as condensed.

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