Re: CURPOS$ & /32

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Posted by Jim Guerber on March 26, 2012 at 11:01:34:

In Reply to: CURPOS$ & /32 posted by GERRY B on March 22, 2012 at 15:22:03:


I see the code responsible for saving/restoring curpos$. Comet32 could easily be modified to restore curpos$ when processing an exit statement. The issue is whether Comet SHOULD restore it.

Enter was coded to have nothing to do with the screen. An enter'd program could completely modify the screen and it would not be automatically restored by exit. SO, it makes sense that curpos$ should change to reflect changes on the screen.

On the other hand, if the enter'd program executed the (SaveScreen)/(RestoreScreen) mnemonics, curpos$ should be restored. That may be much more of a problem because it involves not only cos32 but cosw as well.

Do all of you agree? We could re-code enter/exit either way. I don't see the benefit of making things like this compatible just for compatibility's sake.

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