Comet 2011 QSPOOL Bug

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Posted by Robert G Laurin on April 12, 2012 at 06:43:29:

Running Comet 2011 (16 bits in this situation)

I know I cannot spool new jobs to the Legacy Spool anymore. However I can (or taught I could) use QSPOOL to unspool archived jobs.

I tried this. I tried to unspool a job to a DocMgr text printer. Job is plain text, no form feed or anything funny.

The output never came out AND the spool job header got trashed.

The first 128 bytes or so of a QSPOOL print jobs holds the job information, after attempting to print using QSPOOL on Comet 2011 16bits, the header was cleared out except for the job number.

Can you fix that ?

Tested with Comet16 2011.459 REL 12.05 and UTL 12.03

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