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Posted by Grant Foraker on August 02, 2012 at 14:59:25: Uploaded files: 1

Latest Comet. Running Comet16 in my Win 7 Pro 32bit VPC.

Rewriting a large, multi-source, program from CED to UE and coding it as a WDL program. Testing with full data so the report is 400+ pages. Not something I want to go to a printer so the print is going to DocMgr (Comet PDF).

Had a couple of E32's in the programing.

The QENDITOR screen did not appear. On another session, STATUS showed QENDITOR. Killing the hung partition changed the status to CMONITOR. The partition screen did not change. All Comet sessions locked up. Had to reset via Task Manager.

DocMgr shows QENDITOR as the program that closed the printer and QENDITOR did write an error record into QERRLOG.

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