Posted by Grant Foraker on November 28, 2012 at 08:09:31:
About 1/2 hour after firing up the PC, and while testing a program in Comet32. Program prints to LAY (DocMgr PDF printer associated with SPY archive).
1) printer went INOP with E30. Tried DIRCAT and received "powered off" message. Had to restart Comet. How does a PDF printer go INOP?
2) Mea culpa on this one. During the DIRCAT tests, I entered SPY as the printer. Old habit from QSPOOL :) Comet accepted SPY and wrote into the SPY file. BAD!!! Maybe the DocMgr control files should be proctected from typos and old habits? In QSPOOL there was no confusion between SP2 and SP2JOBS.
Each file can be a maximum of 1MB in length Uploaded files will be purged from the server on a regular basis.