Posted by Bob A on January 24, 2013 at 09:41:10:
My PROD system has been running with DocMgr for about 5 months now
My TEST system still has the old QSPOOL
I only did this as I had an old QSPOOL collection of archived spool files that we still needed. so PROD was /32 and TEST was /16 (so I'd still have QSPOOL)
in the current "lull" (it's always quitest just before the really unfortunate events raise their ugly heads) I took all the SPA (qspool archive) files and archived them (very tediously) into what is a DOCMGR archive (where I can now see them all using DocMgr)
what I can't remember/sort out is how I should go about bringing them over to the PROD system, where there are only DocMgr archives.
should I try to use either Export or Copy? I've done small tests but what I find is not encouraging.
my best guess is that I can select all files and copy them to a plain windows folder. this produced crazy error messages like "file already exists"..... this into an empty folder (go figure) Anyway, when I tried to copy/import them back to an identical and empty DocMgr archive, as a test, I can only do this one file at a time. That surely won't work
It took me a long, long time (with lots of help from the Support group) to get the DocMgr archives properly set up, and they've been running nicely (mostly) in PROD. Unfortunately, I've got to go to /32 on my TEST system, so I can't let this sleeping dog lie any longer.
Thanx to one and all (especially Grant and CometWoman) in advance.
BTW... I just went to V471 with latest versions (13xxx) of REL and UTL.
Each file can be a maximum of 1MB in length Uploaded files will be purged from the server on a regular basis.