Legacy Reporter vs DX/DBX...>

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Posted by Tom Fulton on February 18, 2013 at 10:07:40:

I'm using "new" keyed files at an end-user with alternate index files. I created these files in DBX and use the new Reporter to report on the file. This necessitated establishing #CFILES at the end-user. I got a call today from the end-user who wanted to run one of his old reports using legacy reporter. It no longer ran, giving an exception on a Link not found. It turns out that the utility that builds #CFiles only copied the first link for the file and did not copy the second link. This brings up the question - If a #CFiles exists, the legacy reporter uses that and not #FILES? I'd be OK with that except that I've converted one end-user off of the first generation .d00 files and onto #CFiles and that conversion resulted in no expressions coming across. I'm still getting calls two years later with reports that don't work because expressions didn't get generated. Does the utility that builds #CFiles from #FILES create all links for a file if multiple links exist? Do all expressions get properly created?

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