Posted by Tom Fulton on November 07, 2013 at 10:32:06:
I've got an end-user who is currently running Comet on a server in their offices in LA. Their warehouse runs C/A over a VPN. They have recently moved Customer Service out of the offices and over to the warehouse. Their IT guy has left them running Comet over the VPN. Comet frequently dies on them, just pops & disappears, I'm sure due to some kind of timeout based on the slower communications. I said the server should move to the warehouse and the C/A should run from the offices to the warehouse. That's a good idea except that the server, for other reasons, cannot be moved. The IT guy asked if he could put a Win7 Pro 64-bit PC with adequate memory over there to run Comet. I said I'd ask if anybody is doing this. Anybody have an end-user running Comet on a PC instead of a server OS? 9 Comet and 11 Comet Anywhere.
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