Posted by Grant Foraker on February 18, 2015 at 08:00:47: Uploaded files: 5
Customer called and said he was getting COSW crashes on a program that had been working since August 2014. No recent Comet updates.
Via CAW, I ran the program several times before I got the crash. See JAJV-1.
On my developer PC, I had to run the program 15+ times to get the crash See JAJV-1 & 2. One started, the next cash seems to come more quickly.
I cleared the COMET and CFAM logs and recreated the crash. I have attached them.
The WDL program opens the dialog, does "GOSUB InitFields", and then shows the dialog. In the InitFields logic, I open an ExtendedWindow to show the user that something is happening while they wait for the dialog to appear. This is something I do all the time. Especially for CAW users.
I've shuffled the SHOW to be ahead of InitFields but still get the error.
What's COSW doing?
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