Posted by Grant Foraker on September 25, 2015 at 13:28:16:
In Reply to: Re: GOSUB stack posted by Barbara Brazil on September 24, 2015 at 14:07:16:
The POPALL worked a few times:) Usually ended with a GOSUB STACK UNDERFLOW.
I'll take a look at the suggested programs.
Thanks for the reminder on the "Flush Events". My attempts at FOCUS hasn't gone well:) Lots of looping with no idea of which event triggered what. I've used the EventSub but not the PAUSE (5)
My nightmare/shower program, it goes like this (in part)...
For x = 1 to 100
logic to auto click button1
next x
case button1
gosub button1wasclicked
let mbmsg$ = str(x) + ' interation'
msgbox mbmsg$
Aren't I going to have 100 MSGBOX's displayed on my screen?
Each file can be a maximum of 1MB in length Uploaded files will be purged from the server on a regular basis.