Local directories in CA sessions

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Posted by Richard Neer on February 22, 2016 at 12:31:22:

A quick question relating to a simple (I assume) issue:

User has local licensed Comet and is moving to CA sessions in new setup. They currently make use of a directory called "WRK" located in C:\comet\WRK on each client station for personal/work comet files as supposed to using one of the network server drive directories.

I need to provide this capability to maintain their own local WRK directory, but have it configured generically so that CA sessions see it and can access it by name.

I've tried specifying access in comet.ini as 35 = C, $(CATEMP) and I've verified that the CATEMP variable is defined in cosw.ini and that it shows in the list of aliases in the CA session. I've copied the contents of their local WRK directory into the CATEMP directory, overwriting the qdirs so that the WRK label is present.

SECURITY has WRK listed as an available directory for the login password used.

However, I show no WRK directory accessed, nor can I request to access it by specifying WRK.

I haven't needed to deal with local comet directory access via CA anywhere else, so what am I missing here?

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