Re: COSW.INI question...>

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Posted by Tom Fulton on May 13, 2016 at 11:31:02:

In Reply to: Re: COSW.INI question...> posted by Barbara Brazil on May 13, 2016 at 10:10:06:

Sorry, I've been troubleshooting at the same time as posting up. Yes, I've deleted the CATEMP line out of COSW.INI and I've renamed Cosw.ini and had it build a new one. Same thing keeps coming up. That was my original question that I did not make clear - why do some of the paths come up correctly ( user login is v.smith ) and only the CATEMP path get generated screwy? Something to do with environment variables stored in the registry I presume, and that's where I should probably be digging. User IT dept is supposedly going to delete the v.smith user and establish a new user name valsmith Hopefully it will install cleanly.

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