Re: common variables in comet 2016 32bit

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Posted by Grant Foraker on September 28, 2017 at 11:32:38:

In Reply to: Re: common variables in comet 2016 32bit posted by Grant Foraker on September 26, 2017 at 05:42:44:

Two C32 gothchas.

1) print formats that end with a (CR). Comet32 does it's own (CR) so you'll get double spacing.

2) use of numeric work register - was 16.0 now 64.0. ORG is 3.0.
a) Comet16 - LET ORG$ = SUB(STR(ORG + 99),15,2)
b) Comet32 & Comet16 - LET ORG$ = SUB(STRIP(STR(ORG + 99)),2,2)

option b) was Jim's suggestion that will work for both.

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