MOVE Statement

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Posted by Robert G Laurin on November 10, 2017 at 06:13:09:

The WIKI claims that the MOVE statement will accept numeric expression for starting-position & length.

However, I found that MOVE('.',HLPMSG$,X+13,1) does not compile...

Here's from the WIKIW

MOVE statement

Syntax: MOVE (string-argument-1, string-argument-2, starting-position, length)

Discussion: The MOVE statement moves a specified number of characters from one string into another string, starting at a specified location in the second string.

String-argument-1 may be a string constant, a single element string variable, a string array element, a string expression or a string function.

String-argument-2 must be a string variable.

The starting position and length are numeric values. They may be numeric constants, single element numeric variables, numeric array elements, numeric expressions, or numeric functions. The starting position is the position in the second string argument into which the characters from the first string argument are to be moved. The length is the number of characters to be moved.

Example: MOVE(A$,B$,2,3)

If A$ = "ABCDEFG" and B$ = "123456789", after the move operation, A$ will be "ABCDEFG" and B$ will be "1ABC56789".

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