Re: Print and Copy

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Posted by Grant Foraker on June 04, 2018 at 05:32:04:

In Reply to: Print and Copy posted by jeffrey harding on June 03, 2018 at 08:42:58:

Easy way to start is with the DOCUMENT nmemonic. see link. DOCUMENT, to me, has a problem. It doesn't give any error message or indication of failure. So, if the destination folder has a problem you get nada.

The more elaborate is to use COPYFILE. CLOSE (1), INPUT (#) PDFFILE$ gives you the name/path of the work PDF. You now use COPYFILE to copy it to any destination (LAN or WAN) creating sub folders, if necessary. This allows for a structured archive ("\\COMETARC\2018\AP\" plus file name). When 2018 turns to 2019, the program changes the path and COPYFILE automatically creates "\\CometARC\2019" and "\\COMETARC\2019\AP"

I also use COPYFILE for PDF distribution. One customer has a battery of about 20 reports that are created late Monday after all the prior week labor, etc has been processed. The reports get distributed to both the CA and WA servers.

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