Posted by Tom Fulton on October 29, 2018 at 08:20:04: Uploaded files: 1
End user had new hardware go in last year. Esxi box with WinServer2012 VM hosting Comet Services 18.0 and Comet 511 17.02 Second VM is Win7 64-bit used for hosting CometAnywhere and performing scheduled tasks that upload data to our Order-Track website. Issue is that Comet on the Win7 frequently is dead on Monday morning. I've verified the usual suspects - it has a static IP so there is no lease expiring, it has no power-saving features on so nothing is going to sleep. Yet something happens over the weekend that leaves it unresponsive on Monday morning. I've killed the orphaned tasks & restarted CAW Host. Attached is a text file with the appropriate sections from Cfam & Comet logs. What happened on Saturday to crash Comet? What is the IP address in the Comet log? Thanks in advance, Tom
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