Re: Comet32 2018.515 execution weirdness...

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Posted by Tom Fulton on February 20, 2019 at 07:37:08:

In Reply to: Comet32 2018.515 execution weirdness... posted by Robert G Laurin on February 19, 2019 at 14:00:15:

I took your code and let TAWEIGHT$ = ''
TAWEIGHT is set greater than VWEIGHT 98782 vs 12546
After the conditional IF TAWEIGT > VWEIGHT and before LET WEIGHT$ = .....
I put in a random STR function A$ = STR(C * .001) and displayed the result
WEIGHT$ properly displayed as 98.756
When I comment out my random STR function WEIGHT$ displays as '200000'
The '200000' is the result of a 16.8 coming into play on 98.78200000
Something is wrong, hope this helps.

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