Installing MTB License

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Posted by Larry Beahan on November 16, 2021 at 06:27:35: Uploaded files: 1

After our Server crashed, I am attempting to rebuild our Comet environment.
I have successfully set up comet - including the security server and file server and I can run our applications and access and edit source.
I am using Parallel plug # 9349 and the license.txt that we received in Feb 2003.
However, when I attempt to compile, I am asked for a password - looking for a license.
The license.txt does not reference MTB.
The security server does not reference MTB (and says that a license.txt is in use),
I have a paper copy of a MTB site license for this same plug number.
I have tried to use this password but it is rejected.
How do I get this activated?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Larry Beahan

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