Blocked Logins

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Posted by Jeff Cinelli on Mon, 3 Nov 2003 08:18:47 :

The "Block Logins" option in the Comet Security Server is a great thing. =
It comes in very handy when we're trying to troubleshoot a problem, and =
want to keep users out of Comet.

It would be helpful if there were a way to allow specified users to =
override the block. If the IT department is working on a problem, and =
we need to restart out Comet session, we need to go to the server, =
unblock, login back at the workstation, then reblock logins on the =
server again.

It would be nice to have an "Override Block" table on the server. This =
used in conjuntion with a switch on the client would allow certain =
people to override the block when necessary, while still keeping all =
users out. Here's a suggestion for how it could work:

1. Have a table on the Comet Security Server where we could enter node =
names that could override the block.
2. Create a switch in Comet such as /overrideblock that would allow the =
session access, if the node name specified in /pn=3Dnodename is in the =
table on the server.
3. When a login block is being overridden, have Comet display a dialog =
box to that affect on startup.

I supposed step #2 would be optional. There may not be a need for a =
switch in Comet. Perhaps simply having a table on the server would be =

This would be a tremendous help for the IT department who needs to =
perform some Comet functions while still blocking out users.

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