*************************************************************** * Comet version :506.334 Date: 03/26/04 * * SYSGEN version: 98.043 Comet2004 WIN XP-terri * * Generated from OLD style CFIG format. * *************************************************************** [ENTERPRISE] ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; All segment titles under ENTERPRISE are optional but should - ; still be included for documentation sake... - ;-------------------------------------------------------------- Name = Bernard Pavelka Inc.; Adr1 = ; Adr2 = ; Adr3 = ; Phn# = ; Fax# = ; Attn = ; Internet Addr = ; [SITE] Name = Site Name goes here; Adr1 = ; Adr2 = ; Adr3 = ; Phn# = ; Fax# = ; Attn = ; Internet Addr = ; * Network Dir = REL; * Server = Nxx,IPX,L,Comet_server_1; * Server = Nxx,TCP,R,Comet_server_2; Server = N01,TCP,L,; [COMET SYSTEM OPTIONS] Time Slice Interval = 10; Fast Write Option = NO; Ignore Error 44 = YES; Click on Task Break = NO; Background Priority = 0; European Numbers = NO; Multi-User Board Address = F; Single User Plug Port # = 1; Enable LPT1 Interrupts = NO; Enable LPT2 Interrupts = NO; All Partitions Exp/Mem = NO; Clock Name = CL1; # of File Descriptors = 120; Invoke Handle Banking = NO; Sliding Century = 19; Sliding Year = 40; Date Mode = MMDDYYYY; [CONSOLE SESSION OPTIONS] Force 80 Column Mode = NO ; INSERT same as Qantel = NO ; C/R same as Qantel = NO ; Auto Increment Cursor = NO ; Standard Keyboard I/O = NO ; Laptop Large Cursor = NO ; NumPad ENTER same as F10 = NO ; Session 132 Bios Mode = 00; 4K Window Blocks/Session = 1; [PRINTERS] Printer = LP2,W ,N, ,EPSON FX-2180:RAW,,LEEANN; Printer = LP1,N ,N, ,LPT1,,; Printer = L10,W ,N, ,OMAHA:RAW,,; [SPOOLERS] [GATEWAYS] Gateway = 0,0; Gateway = 1,0; Gateway = 2,0; [INVALID CHARACTER TRANSLATION] Q ;Replaces = Q ;Replaces / Q ;Replaces \ Q ;Replaces * Q ;Replaces . Q ;Replaces " Q ;Replaces [ Q ;Replaces ] Q ;Replaces : Q ;Replaces | Q ;Replaces < Q ;Replaces > Q ;Replaces + Q ;Replaces ; Q ;Replaces , Q ;Replaces ? [NODE] Name = TERRI; Desc = ; Misc = ; Path = ; Phn# = ; Fax# = ; User = ; Internet Addr = ; * Server = Nxx,F; File System Security Server = N01,S; Comet Runtime Security * Server = Nxx,SF; Comet Runtime & File System [COMET SYSTEM OPTIONS] First Partition = P10; # of Partitions = 5; First Terminal = T06; # of Terminals = 3; [CONSOLE SESSION OPTIONS] Session = 006,P10,5 ,F0,97,FF,11,F0; Session = 007,P11,5 ,F0,A0,FF,77,F0; Session = 008,P12,5 ,F0,D0,FF,55,F0; [DIRECTORIES] ; 00 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\GL2\; 00 = L ,C:\comet2004\REL\; 01 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\COMET2004\REL\; ; 01 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\COMET2004\COS\; 02 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\COMET2004\UTL\; 04 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\DSK\; 05 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\NEW\; 06 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\OLD\; 07 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\P93\; 08 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\DOG\; 09 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\SEC\; 10 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\GLM\; 11 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\HLP\; 12 = N ,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\PAY2000\; [SPOOLERS] Spool = SP3,\\LEEANNEOFFICE\CONLEEANNE\TRUCK\DSK\; [END]