******************************************************** [NODE] Name = WS5; Desc = ; Misc = ; Phn# = ; Fax# = ; User = ; Internet Addr = ; * Server = Nxx,C; File System Security * Server = Nxx,S; Comet Runtime Security Server = N01,SC; Comet Runtime & File System [COMET SYSTEM OPTIONS] First Partition = P17; # of Partitions = 4; First Terminal = T17; # of Terminals = 4; [CONSOLE SESSION OPTIONS] Session = T17,P17,5 ,F0,80,FF,F0,B0; Session = T18,P18,5 ,F0,80,FF,F0,40; Session = T19,P19,5 ,F0,80,FF,F0,20; Session = T20,P20,5 ,F0,80,FF,F0,30; [PRINTERS] Printer = LP1,W ,N, ,OKI3952:RAW,,; Printer = LP2,W ,N, ,OKI321:RAW,,; Printer = LP5,W ,N, ,OKI395:RAW,,; Printer = LDF,W ,N, ,DiskFile,,;