0 0 CONNECT MAIL 1 0 EHLO 2 0 MAIL FROM:"JENNIFER CAVAZOS" 3 0 RCPT TO:PELLERBECK@CALVINFABRICS.COM 3 1 RCPT TO:JCAVAZOS@CALVINFABRICS.COM 4 0 From: "JENNIFER CAVAZOS" 4 1 To: PELLERBECK@CALVINFABRICS.COM 4 2 To: JCAVAZOS@CALVINFABRICS.COM 6 0 Subject: CALVIN FABRICS ORDER STATUS 7 0 The attached PDF ( Portable Document Format, can be read with Adobe's Acrobat Reader ) file is a report of 7 1 CALVIN FABRICS your open, shipped and cancelled sales orders. 7 2 7 3 Open orders holding for CFA, Proforma, etc. please contact your customer for status of CFA approval and 7 4 payment of the order. 7 5 7 6 JENNIFER CAVAZOS 8 0 EMAIL.LOG,COS,CYCLE,000000000000008.................PELLERBECK@CALVI,000000000000008.................PELLERBECK@CALVI End of listing - 17 Records