08:36:49 08:36:49 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 08:36:49 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 08:36:49 File association registration successfully completed. 08:36:49 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cadev.exe 08:36:49 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cfam.exe 08:36:50 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cfilesrv.exe 08:36:50 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\clibnetserve.exe 08:36:50 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cometex.exe 08:36:50 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cometlib.dll 08:36:50 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cos32.exe 08:36:50 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cos32.pdb 08:36:51 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cosc.exe 08:36:51 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cosd.exe 08:36:51 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cosh.exe 08:36:51 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\coshipc.dll 08:36:51 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cosm32.exe 08:36:51 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cosp.exe 08:36:51 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cosw.exe 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\crt.ddl 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\crt32.ddl 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\delchain.exe 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\dibapi32.dll 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\dirbuild.exe 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\filecheck.exe 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\filedump.exe 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\keybuild.exe 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\keycheck.exe 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\libcmysqlpp.dll 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\libmysql.dll 08:36:52 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\maint.exe 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\mysqlpp.dll 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\system.ddl 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\system32.ddl 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\unidrv.dll 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\whohas.exe 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\winprint.ddl 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\wprint32.ddl 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\ws32.ddl 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\fax1.ddl 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\msvbvm60.dll 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\odbcd.dll 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\odbcdrv.exe 08:36:53 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\cometpdf.exe 08:36:54 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\console.exe 08:36:54 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\projmgr.exe 08:36:54 Copying missing file: C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\capi.dll 08:36:54 CometLib is not registered. Begin registration: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\CometLib.dll" 08:36:55 CometLib registration successfully completed. 08:36:55 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp 08:36:55 (4424) 08:36:55 (4424) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 08:36:55 (4424) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 08:36:55 (4424) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 08:36:55 (4424) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 08:36:55 (4424) Comet runtime has started 08:36:56 (4424) Comet runtime window found after 8 tries - registration in progress 08:36:56 (4424) COSH Startup in progress... 08:36:56 (4424) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 08:36:56 (4424) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 08:36:56 (4424) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 08:36:56 (4424) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\WHSB04.CFG 08:36:57 (4424) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 08:36:57 (4424) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 08:36:57 (4424) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 08:36:57 (4424) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 08:36:57 (4424) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 08:36:57 (4424) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 08:36:57 (4424) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 08:36:57 (4424) Directory verification complete. 08:36:57 (4424) Device initialization complete. 00010313 08:36:57 (4424) Local Comet sessions: 1 08:36:57 (4424) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 08:36:57 (4424) COSH Startup complete 08:36:57 (4424) COSC Startup complete 08:36:58 (4424) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 08:36:58 (4424) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 08:36:58 (4424) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 08:36:58 (4424) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 08:36:58 (4424) ( 0-4428) Local attach successful 08:36:58 (4424) ( 0-4428) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95 08:37:42 (4424) ( 0-4428) Local attach failed 08:37:42 (4424) ( 0-4428) Connection Refused: No sessions available 08:38:25 (4424) VMF_AllocHandle: Allocating pool to 6553 (65530) 08:38:25 (4424) VMF_AllocHandle: Allocating new handle: 1 of 6553 08:42:43 (4424) CFAM: Connected user "COSP::5" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 08:42:43 (4424) CFAM: Connected user "COSP::5" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 08:51:59 (4424) COSH Security Violoation 08:52:10 (4424) ( 0-4428) Detach initiated: Host initiated, Notify=No 08:52:10 (4424) VMF_DestroyAll... 08:52:14 08:52:14 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 08:52:14 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 08:52:14 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp 08:52:15 (5828) 08:52:15 (5828) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 08:52:15 (5828) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 08:52:15 (5828) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 08:52:15 (5828) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 08:52:15 (5828) Comet runtime has started 08:52:15 (5828) Comet runtime window found after 3 tries - registration in progress 08:52:15 (5828) COSH Startup in progress... 08:52:15 (5828) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 08:52:15 (5828) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 08:52:15 (5828) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 08:52:15 (5828) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\WHSB04.CFG 08:52:16 (5828) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 08:52:16 (5828) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 08:52:16 (5828) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 08:52:16 (5828) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 08:52:16 (5828) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 08:52:16 (5828) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 08:52:16 (5828) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 08:52:16 (5828) Directory verification complete. 08:52:17 (5828) Device initialization complete. 00010313 08:52:17 (5828) Local Comet sessions: 1 08:52:17 (5828) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 08:52:17 (5828) COSH Startup complete 08:52:17 (5828) COSC Startup complete 08:52:17 (5828) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 08:52:17 (5828) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 08:52:17 (5828) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 08:52:17 (5828) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 08:52:18 (5828) ( 0-5624) Local attach successful 08:52:18 (5828) ( 0-5624) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95 08:52:40 (5828) ( 0-5624) Detach initiated: Host initiated, Notify=No 08:52:51 08:52:51 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 08:52:51 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 08:52:51 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp 08:52:51 (928) 08:52:51 (928) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 08:52:51 (928) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 08:52:51 (928) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 08:52:51 (928) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 08:52:51 (928) Comet runtime has started 08:52:51 (928) Comet runtime window found after 2 tries - registration in progress 08:52:51 (928) COSH Startup in progress... 08:52:51 (928) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 08:52:51 (928) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 08:52:51 (928) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 08:52:51 (928) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\WHSB04.CFG 08:52:52 (928) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 08:52:52 (928) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 08:52:52 (928) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 08:52:52 (928) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 08:52:52 (928) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 08:52:52 (928) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 08:52:52 (928) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 08:52:52 (928) Directory verification complete. 08:52:52 (928) Device initialization complete. 00010313 08:52:52 (928) Local Comet sessions: 1 08:52:52 (928) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 08:52:52 (928) COSH Startup complete 08:52:52 (928) COSC Startup complete 08:52:53 (928) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 08:52:53 (928) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 08:52:53 (928) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 08:52:53 (928) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 08:52:54 (928) ( 0-5976) Local attach successful 08:52:54 (928) ( 0-5976) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95 08:54:36 (928) ( 0-5976) Local attach failed 08:54:36 (928) ( 0-5976) Connection Refused: No sessions available 09:07:54 (928) COSH Security Violoation 09:08:07 (928) ( 0-5976) Detach initiated: Host initiated, Notify=No 09:08:11 09:08:11 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 09:08:11 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 09:08:11 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp 09:08:12 (5564) 09:08:12 (5564) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 09:08:12 (5564) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 09:08:12 (5564) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 09:08:12 (5564) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 09:08:12 (5564) Comet runtime has started 09:08:12 (5564) Comet runtime window found after 2 tries - registration in progress 09:08:12 (5564) COSH Startup in progress... 09:08:12 (5564) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 09:08:12 (5564) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 09:08:12 (5564) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 09:08:12 (5564) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\WHSB04.CFG 09:08:13 (5564) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 09:08:13 (5564) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 09:08:13 (5564) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 09:08:13 (5564) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 09:08:13 (5564) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 09:08:13 (5564) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 09:08:13 (5564) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 09:08:13 (5564) Directory verification complete. 09:08:13 (5564) Device initialization complete. 00010313 09:08:13 (5564) Local Comet sessions: 1 09:08:13 (5564) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 09:08:13 (5564) COSH Startup complete 09:08:13 (5564) COSC Startup complete 09:08:14 (5564) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 09:08:14 (5564) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 09:08:14 (5564) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 09:08:14 (5564) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 09:08:15 (5564) ( 0-3944) Local attach successful 09:08:15 (5564) ( 0-3944) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95 09:23:15 (5564) COSH Security Violoation 09:23:19 (5564) ( 0-3944) Detach initiated: Host initiated, Notify=No 09:51:22 09:51:22 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 09:51:22 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 09:51:22 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp 09:51:22 (5764) 09:51:22 (5764) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 09:51:22 (5764) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 09:51:22 (5764) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 09:51:22 (5764) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 09:51:23 (5764) Comet runtime has started 09:51:23 (5764) Comet runtime window found after 2 tries - registration in progress 09:51:23 (5764) COSH Startup in progress... 09:51:23 (5764) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 09:51:23 (5764) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 09:51:23 (5764) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 09:51:23 (5764) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\WHSB04.CFG 09:51:23 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 09:51:23 (5764) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 09:51:23 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 09:51:23 (5764) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 09:51:23 (5764) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 09:51:23 (5764) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 09:51:23 (5764) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 09:51:23 (5764) Directory verification complete. 09:51:24 (5764) Device initialization complete. 00010313 09:51:24 (5764) Local Comet sessions: 1 09:51:24 (5764) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 09:51:24 (5764) COSH Startup complete 09:51:24 (5764) COSC Startup complete 09:51:24 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 09:51:24 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 09:51:24 (5764) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 09:51:24 (5764) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 09:51:26 (5764) ( 0-4756) Local attach successful 09:51:26 (5764) ( 0-4756) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95 09:56:10 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "CometExp" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 09:56:10 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "CometExp" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 09:56:24 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "File Maintenance Utility" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 09:56:24 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "File Maintenance Utility" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:03:28 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "File Maintenance Utility" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:03:28 (5764) CFAM: Connected user "File Maintenance Utility" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:06:26 (5764) COSH Security Violoation 10:06:31 (5764) ( 0-4756) Detach initiated: Host initiated, Notify=No 10:29:55 10:29:55 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 10:29:55 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 10:29:55 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp 10:29:55 (4544) 10:29:55 (4544) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 10:29:55 (4544) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 10:29:55 (4544) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 10:29:55 (4544) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 10:29:55 (4544) Comet runtime has started 10:29:55 (4544) Comet runtime window found after 2 tries - registration in progress 10:29:55 (4544) COSH Startup in progress... 10:29:55 (4544) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 10:29:55 (4544) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 10:29:55 (4544) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 10:29:55 (4544) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\WHSB04.CFG 10:29:56 (4544) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:29:56 (4544) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 10:29:56 (4544) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:29:56 (4544) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 10:29:56 (4544) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 10:29:56 (4544) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 10:29:56 (4544) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 10:29:56 (4544) Directory verification complete. 10:29:56 (4544) Device initialization complete. 00010313 10:29:56 (4544) Local Comet sessions: 1 10:29:56 (4544) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 10:29:56 (4544) COSH Startup complete 10:29:56 (4544) COSC Startup complete 10:29:57 (4544) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:29:57 (4544) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:29:57 (4544) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 10:29:57 (4544) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 10:29:58 (4544) ( 0-1052) Local attach successful 10:29:58 (4544) ( 0-1052) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95 10:30:08 (4544) ( 0-1052) Detach initiated: Host initiated, Notify=No 10:30:11 10:30:11 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 10:30:11 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 10:30:11 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp 10:30:11 (5536) 10:30:11 (5536) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 10:30:11 (5536) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 10:30:11 (5536) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 10:30:11 (5536) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 10:30:12 (5536) Comet runtime has started 10:30:12 (5536) Comet runtime window found after 2 tries - registration in progress 10:30:12 (5536) COSH Startup in progress... 10:30:12 (5536) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 10:30:12 (5536) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 10:30:12 (5536) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=WHSB04 /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 10:30:12 (5536) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\WHSB04.CFG 10:30:12 (5536) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:30:12 (5536) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 10:30:12 (5536) CFAM: Connected user "WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:30:12 (5536) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 10:30:12 (5536) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 10:30:12 (5536) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 10:30:12 (5536) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 10:30:12 (5536) Directory verification complete. 10:30:13 (5536) Device initialization complete. 00010313 10:30:13 (5536) Local Comet sessions: 1 10:30:13 (5536) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 10:30:13 (5536) COSH Startup complete 10:30:13 (5536) COSC Startup complete 10:30:13 (5536) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:30:13 (5536) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-WHSB04" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:30:13 (5536) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 10:30:13 (5536) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 10:30:15 (5536) ( 0-5400) Local attach successful 10:30:15 (5536) ( 0-5400) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95 10:30:31 (5536) ( 0-5400) Detach initiated: Host initiated, Notify=No 10:31:15 10:31:15 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 10:31:15 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 10:31:15 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=CJH-NFM /nsp 10:31:15 (4676) 10:31:15 (4676) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 10:31:15 (4676) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 10:31:15 (4676) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 10:31:15 (4676) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=CJH-NFM /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 10:31:15 (4676) Comet runtime has started 10:31:15 (4676) Comet runtime window found after 2 tries - registration in progress 10:31:15 (4676) COSH Startup in progress... 10:31:15 (4676) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 10:31:15 (4676) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 10:31:15 (4676) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=CJH-NFM /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 10:31:15 (4676) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\CJH-NFM.CFG 10:31:15 (4676) CFAM: Connected user "CJH-NFM" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:31:15 (4676) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 10:31:15 (4676) CFAM: Connected user "CJH-NFM" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:31:15 (4676) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 10:31:15 (4676) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 10:31:16 (4676) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 10:31:16 (4676) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 10:31:16 (4676) Directory verification complete. 10:31:16 (4676) Device initialization complete. 00010313 10:31:16 (4676) Local Comet sessions: 3 10:31:16 (4676) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 10:31:16 (4676) COSH Startup complete 10:31:16 (4676) COSC Startup complete 10:31:17 (4676) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-CJH-NFM" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:31:17 (4676) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-CJH-NFM" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:31:17 (4676) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 10:31:17 (4676) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 10:31:18 (4676) ( 0-4300) Local attach successful 10:31:18 (4676) ( 0-4300) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95 10:46:18 (4676) COSH Security Violoation 10:46:25 (4676) ( 0-4300) Detach initiated: Host initiated, Notify=No 10:46:25 (4676) VMF_DestroyAll... 10:46:33 10:46:33 03/20/2013 Started Comet.exe 10:46:33 .csk file type not registered - begin registration 10:46:33 Starting COSW with command line: "C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\Cosw.exe" "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=CJH-NFM /nsp 10:46:33 (5152) 10:46:33 (5152) 03/20/2013 Started Cosc.exe 10:46:33 (5152) COSC: Logging to file C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Signature Systems\LOGS\Comet.log 10:46:33 (5152) COSC Startup - Runtime: Comet1-6, Prog: COSH.EXE, WinClass: CometHiddenApp 10:46:33 (5152) Loading Comet runtime: Prog = C:\Users\chaaser\AppData\Local\Temp\COSH.EXE, Args = "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=CJH-NFM /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 10:46:33 (5152) Comet runtime has started 10:46:33 (5152) Comet runtime window found after 2 tries - registration in progress 10:46:33 (5152) COSH Startup in progress... 10:46:33 (5152) Comet 2012 Version 612.471 10:46:33 (5152) System Version: Windows 7 Workstation Version 6.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 10:46:33 (5152) Using Parameters: "\\Fs2\grpdata\Comet\comet.exe" /PN=CJH-NFM /nsp /WD="\\fs2\grpdata\comet" 10:46:33 (5152) Using Configuration: \\fs2\grpdata\comet\CJH-NFM.CFG 10:46:34 (5152) CFAM: Connected user "CJH-NFM" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:46:34 (5152) CFAM: Connecting to remote server: 10:46:34 (5152) CFAM: Connected user "CJH-NFM" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:46:34 (5152) CFAM: Server: FS2 ( - connection successful 10:46:34 (5152) Connecting Server N02 : COMET.NFM-TITANIUM.COM [] 10:46:34 (5152) Success : Security Server Version 12.00 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\REL\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTL\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\DSK\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\OBJ\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XFR\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\UTR\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\COS\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\TEMP\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CJHUTL\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SEC\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\SRC\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\IBR\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\USE\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\RPG\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SPL\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\CED\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\XTL\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : C:\USERS\CHAASER\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\CATEMP\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFM\TEST\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\SVL\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\ONW\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\INW\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\DNW\ 10:46:34 (5152) Checking Type-C Directory : \\FS2\GRPDATA\COMET\NFMTEST\UNW\ 10:46:34 (5152) Directory verification complete. 10:46:34 (5152) Device initialization complete. 00010313 10:46:34 (5152) Local Comet sessions: 3 10:46:34 (5152) Remote Comet Sessions: 0 10:46:34 (5152) COSH Startup complete 10:46:34 (5152) COSC Startup complete 10:46:35 (5152) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-CJH-NFM" to LOCAL Server "SHOP09_NFM_PCW7" - CometServe32 Version 13.00 10:46:35 (5152) CFAM: Connected user "CoscFio-CJH-NFM" to REMOTE Server "FS2" - CometServe32 Version 12.01 10:46:35 (5152) CoscFio: Connected to CFAM version: 3.46 10:46:35 (5152) CometLib file support for CopyFile enabled 10:46:36 (5152) ( 0-4292) Local attach successful 10:46:36 (5152) ( 0-4292) Initial Poll reply received. Client version 2.95