Re: MOVE statments.. 2 computers.. 2 results ???

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Posted by Bob A on September 14, 2012 at 14:05:02: Uploaded files: 1

In Reply to: Re: MOVE statments.. 2 computers.. 2 results ??? posted by Barbara Brazil on September 13, 2012 at 08:36:24:


your Latin word for today is "extispicium".... Roman or Etruscan priest who examines anomalies in animal entrails to predict or divine future events... your examinations of the dump (entrails) of my programs pointed to a WRITE with a FORMAT

so.... in the case of my program the testing proceeded as follows:
when I specify abc,"(##,##0.00)",(BZ); I can predict that the write will fail
when I specify abc,"(##,##0.00)"; I can predict that the write will fail
when I specify abc; I can predict that the write will work

just not sure why I have to suppress all editing to get COSP to "play nice" and not kill Comet32 runtime ("can't we all just get along")

fortunately this program used a utility print routine ^ .... so I added a bunch of ".ifdef" statements to suppress or allow editing... once I/we fix this, I'll go back to my "pretty print" output

gratias ago tibi (i.e. Thanx!)

Bob "A"

P.S. my diploma from a Jesuit university is all in Latin and actually says ROBERTUM DAVIDUM ACKER.... honest!
P.P.S. yes... I know the print routine is the epitome of "overkill".... but if anything else dies, I've only got to do a SET statement

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