Posted by Steve Cho on July 24, 2014 at 15:07:14:
I need your advise on something strange going on at Universal Building Services. Here is a short recap of what happened:
- The disk on the server had to be replaced
- The hardware person installed the new disk drive and copied 100% of the old drive to the new drive.
- Comet will not allow more than 1 user to log on now.
- When exiting Comet, there is an error message that sometimes come up:
The device or network connection that the shortcut “comet2010 bidding2.lnk” refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disk is properly inserted or the network resource is available and then try again
Does comet have to be reinstalled after changing a hard drive?
Each file can be a maximum of 1MB in length Uploaded files will be purged from the server on a regular basis.