Posted by Grant Foraker on December 15, 2014 at 10:15:10: Uploaded files: 1
In Reply to: Re: TRACE problem posted by Barbara Brazil on December 12, 2014 at 15:20:28:
Found my problem but not yours.
I had placed the GOSUB that loads data into Tabs 1, 2 & 3 ahead of the GOSUB that loads the column titles & sizes for the ListView on Tab2. Once moved the ListView now displays the two detail lines correctly.
After the fix, I tried the TRACE again.
Gosub LoadInvoiceList
LoadInvoiceList loads a List of invoices on Tab 1 gets the first invoice, then GOSUBs DisplayInvoiceData onto Tab 1 which GOSUBs DisplayInvoiceLines onto Tab 2 which GOSUB's DisplayInvoiceTotals onto Tab 3.
Shouldn't the list start with "LoadInvoiceList:"? Instead, the TRACE screen display stuff from somewhere out of COSWIN and picks up the program in the middle of detail line 2 in DisplayInvoiceLines.
LoadInvoiceList and DisplayInvoiceData are skipped or lost.
Is there a line limit on the TRACE screen? Something that would case the TRACE list to only show the last nnnn lines?
I tried your suggestion.
The list is a lot shorter and it shows all labels.
Really would like an option to suppress lines from COS routines. And some indentation to help readability.
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