Re: 17 CPI PFONT DES program?

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Posted by Jim Barbaruolo on June 05, 2012 at 14:07:19:

In Reply to: Re: 17 CPI PFONT DES program? posted by Grant Foraker on June 05, 2012 at 13:17:16:

Hi Grant,

Thanks for the info. It is interesting what you are suggesting but I would rather create (if i can) a DES program (PFONTX or whatever) so it will set the font to 17CPI & 6LPI for a configured printer. This way the user can choose the printer that works best for the report. We have many programs especially CFORM type programs that use the current default 10CPI when they print forms. If I understand you correctly and I change the Comet default settings using the COSWGLOB.INI file to 17CPI, I would then have to change all my programs that require a normal (10CPI) font. With a 17CPI - 6LPI DES program I would not have to change any programs.

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