Posted by Grant Foraker on July 19, 2012 at 08:58:23: Uploaded files: 5
Rewording of previous post.
VMware Player is doing a great job of running my Comet16 in a virtual Win7 Pro 32 PC. When I'm in the office and attached to my office server.
Screen shot a. In the Guest, none of the machines in my network show. But, by using UNC, I can map to drives and printers. Player does show the Guest (SSASD33) and the Host (vmware-host) and shares on the Host can be accessed at a normal speed.
Screen shot b. In the office I'm using UNC from the Guest to the Host (SSASD32) to run Comet. Speed is good. But when I leave the office, I lose all connectivity to the Host as SSASD32. So I've tried several other profiles to make things work.
Screen shot c. Since I can run Comet.exe via the \\vmware-host route, I tried using that UNC in SYSGEN. It won't run.
Screen shot d. I tried using the mapped drive Z:. This works but is at least 1/2 speed. I have to manually start CAPI for UE launched compiles to work.
Screen shot e. Since the UNC is double quoted in the path to Comet.exe. I tried that. I get an error message from on the first DIR. The UNC to the DIR is doubled up and partailly truncated.
What's the right way to code my INI for SYSGEN to use the \\vmware-host UNC for on or off my network.
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