Upgrade to C2012.464

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Posted by Richard Neer on August 14, 2012 at 22:00:04:

Moving to C2012.464 did not work at all. Every attempt to launch Comet via shortcut \\server\comet\comet.exe results in user gets a "Run As" pop-up screen that asks which user account they want to run the program as, and every answer fails. Failure leads to "Redistributable installation was not completed." (probably something to do with previous message regarding every launch seems to do new extract).

Users have only "Restricted User" level of security, even on their own machines, so they are not allowed to install programs or windows files. Only those few users who have administrative rights on their own machines have no problems with the launch but still go through the extract process each time.

Back to C2010.438 to be up and running. Can't work on this tonight without interactive help. C2010 goes through the extract and install regardless of user rights - maybe that's why it keeps doing it each time?

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