Posted by STEVEN HAGEN on October 26, 2012 at 13:30:23:
I installed UE 18.20 on a Virtual Windows XP (xp mode in windows 7 64 bit).
I am running Comet 2011 Build .458/12.03
When compiling in UE I get the following lines in the Output Window
Comet utility console version 1.06
Processing command file: \\tsclient\j\BIGVOL01\IBSource\maxwell\%ww-iv1.ibs
Listing file: C:\DOCUME~1\XPMUSER\LOCALS~1\TEMP\CATEMP\026c329e.tmp
Error: unable to open listing file (2): C:\DOCUME~1\XPMUSER\LOCALS~1\TEMP\CATEMP\026c329e.tmp
At a Comet Ready, clicking on the TMP Directory displays:
CFAM Directory
Any suggestions?
Each file can be a maximum of 1MB in length Uploaded files will be purged from the server on a regular basis.