Is (Draw Image) broken in Comet32 ?

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Posted by Robert G Laurin on June 16, 2013 at 20:21:28: Uploaded files: 2

I'm doing a project for a client and tried to display an image on the Comet Screen (not using it as wallpaper).

Won't work and the documentation is minimal (no sample).

I checked the DLGDEMO and GDIDEMO and discovered that the later release do not have the compiled programs included. I do not know when the executables were removed but compiling the programs one by one is a task and a half !

Anyway, I found a demo program called GDI.IBS that does a demo of printing & drawing on the CRT.

I found that the (Draw Image) did not work in there either. The wall paper works but not the draw image.

So I connected remotely to a client that has an older DMW with the executables, I ran GDI and still no image.

So I switch to my old fateful Windows XP and tried connecting to the same Anywhere host, test GDI and IT WORKS ! Image is there.

See images attached

My current computer is a Windoze 7 Pro using Comet 32 2013.473 DMW 12.02.
My XP is running an old Comet 16.
The Comet Anywhere HOST is running Comet 2008.398 WDL 08.01

A small doubt got to me, the path to $(CATOOLS) is very-very long on Win7 (63 bytes). So I moved $(CATOOLS) to C:\temp and tried again using the CometAnywhere... Files did copy but it still did not display the image.

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